The gift of grace is a treasure that God has entrusted and that he wants to see it increase and bear fruit.
Jesus chose us to be no ornamental but fruitful plants.
When it happens that we meet him, Jesus do not let us live idle, but he heals and shape us; on our part we cannot but love him and to love Jesus means to love all our brothers and sisters especially those less fortunate, the small ones, those persecuted, the sick, the weak. Jesus loves with a ceaseless love.
As wife and mother of two nice children, an architect, I wanted give my life a precise sense, a profound containt, a spiritual dimension that as Franciscan I trusted in God’s hands.
In humility I am listening his word that enters my heart. Jesus works for us and whatever seems incomprehensible and difficult, it becomes easy and clear.
It enables us to detach from false idols as success, power, disordered affections, prejudices.
On my part, I can testify that I found so much serenity in praying, so much peace and joy. St Augustine says "Lord you have created us for you and our heart is restless until it is not resting in you. By following the teaching and the example of Padre Pio, I tried to get rid myself of so many vanities, and many useless things that were an obstacle on my way to and my advancement toward God.
I treasured the teaching of the Blessed Padre to Graziella Pannullo spiritual daughter: ‘Let us detach ourselves from this false apparatus of the world where everything is a folly and vanity, everything goes by and God only remains in our soul if we have known how to love him. Jesus is sweetness. St Bernardine used to say that if Jesus is preached to the world he nourishes it, if meditated by the soul he heals it, if invoked in the adversity, he cures it. For me it is important to pray and to serve Jesus. I understood that my love could not be confined to the pleasures of the family life, but it should be spread to others also. I felt myself like the bud of a plant that wants to receive light and to give light: in fact Jesus told, ‘Who follows me does not walk in the dark.’ Every Christian must repeat with St. Paul: ‘I forget the past and looking ahead to the future, I run toward the end without no turning around and back.
Jesus calls everybody to pray. But many do not have the time for praying God. Others affirm that it is not necessary to pray. These people do not seem understand that the prayer is like the vital lymph and a testimony of love.
Seven years ago, with this in mind, I started a group of prayer that became soon big. The participants recite the Rosary, twice a week, attend the Holy Hour of Adoration the 23 of each month. In this gathering of love our souls are enriched spiritually, a substitution of the worldly worries, the spirit is moved to search eternal values, the heart is at peace and the future appears like a vision rich of harmony and contentment.
Father Pio saw himself as ‘a poor friar of prayer’ and I am grateful to him because , through the prayer, he makes me understand that Jesus is sweetness, mercy, forgiveness, serenity, joy. I am been stricken by his paternal and maternal guidance and his unspeakable sweetness. He, the loving father, is my teacher of life, the companion of my journey, the confident to who I trust whatever I have to choose.
He knows that my life is an unconditioned choice and he may count on me for anything. I have answered to his invitation like Zaccheus to the divine Teacher’s: ‘Come down quickly’. Like Zaccheus who rushed to the Jesus call, moved by the joy of the invitation of Jesus and welcoming him in his house. My story is something similar. Only few years ago I had no experience whatsoever in the field of music, as I have now, and I see this a great gift of Padre Pio. One day while I was absorbed in prayer to Padre Pio, all at once I had the inspiration to compose singing texts and melodies that a music teacher later translated into musical script and became the songs that now I am performing publicly: hymns of praise and thanksgiving to the Lord. I have no presumption of becoming a singer of hit parade and I am sure that I do not expect neither success nor money. The only my desire is to communicate my joy and my happiness. Believe me: Happiness is Jesus. Brunella Pavone. Responsible person of the Prayer Group ‘Padre Pio’ del Santo Rosario


Roma - may 3th 1999. Brunella Pavone with Pope, during Fathre Pio beatification

 Brunella Pavone in concert

 Brunella Pavone and her family

On my way to S. Giovanni Rotondo
All at once my car took fire

I was on my way to S. Giovanni Rotondo to pray on the tomb of Padre Pio, as I had done many other times since my brother-in-law, about a month before, had fallen in coma. The third of June 2000, praying with all my heart Padre Pio, my spiritual adoptive father, and singing the songs that I had composed on his honour, I was driving my Jeep. At the vicinity of Lucera I heard a strange and strong noise inside the car and seeing all the warning lights in the dashboard on, immediately I turned off the engine; but it was in the middle of the road and I had to turn it on again parking on the side. Soon,then, to my unbelievable surprise I saw smoke coming from beneath the car and quickly run off on the other side of the road; in matter of seconds the smoke became flames and I was terrorized for the possibility of an explosion and also the danger of the people who might be passing by. You can imagine what I felt at that moment and the sadness being unable to continue my journey of prayer to S. Giovanni Rotondo. Yet my mind was always with Padre Pio. The town Police and Firefighters came to my assistance: all my belongings in the car went into ashes, with the exception of a photo of some capuchin brothers, very dear to me. When at S. Giovanni, my dear fra Modestino who knew already what had happened to me, said: You could be dead burnt alive; this has been an assault of the devil.’I express my infinite gratitude to Padre Pio and I will continue my apostolate of faith as his faithful daughter.

Brunella Pavone

(From La Casa Sollievo della Sofferenza – 16/31 Gennaio 2001)

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